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Pantry Rules

This mini pantry is an easy way for neighbors to help others who need food, hygiene or paper items.


Even though its home is on church property, this mini pantry belongs to all of us.  Please take care of it and the space around it. 




  1.  Take what you touch! Please don’t open any packaging.

  2.  Please don’t litter. Clean up any trash or spills.

  3.  Only take what you need, trusting the mini pantry will be here for you again.



1. Only leave non-perishable food and toiletries.

2. Items should be unexpired and in good condition.

3. Tidy the mini pantry if it needs it.  You can clean up spills and PLEASE, don’t litter

4. Please only place donations inside the pantry. If there is no room, give them to the church.

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